The Official Energy Sketch Gallery

How to boost your intentions, so that they become reality.

What if you could manifest what you most want—with only a paper and pen?

You can!

I guide you through the process of Energy Sketching in my Creation Journal. Energy Sketching is a powerful creation technique done by drawing a visual representation of your intention. When you draw, you focus your energy because it requires you to take time representing your intention.

I assembled this gallery so you could see a variety of Energy Sketches and experiences. As you look through the images, notice how different and personal these sketches are. Take note that…

  • You can draw simple stick-figures or complex drawings.
  • You can write words or draw just images.
  • You can influence any area of your life that you choose.

For more support with Energy Sketching, use these resources:

  • Remembering Wholeness 20th Anniversary Edition

    $24.95 Buy now
  • Daily
    Reminder Deck

    $19.95 Buy now
  • My
    Creation Journal

    $24.95 Buy now

Helpful Carol Tuttle Healing Center Sessions

(If you're not a member yet, sign up with a free trial.)

  • Energy Sketch for Getting on Your Life Path

    10 minutes

    This session will assist you in opening, shifting, and aligning your energy with your life path energy. With the exercise of Energy Sketching, you will remove any blocks or closures that may be keeping you on someone else's path, and you will connect easily with your own.

  • Clearing Session for Shifting Family Dynamics with Energy Sketching

    8 minutes

    This session will help you learn how to use Energy Sketching to shift the dynamics in your family. It will support you in changing the energy and create more harmony and cooperation in your family relationships.

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