How To Find Your Twin Flame With These 15 Signs and 7 Relationship Stages

Have you met someone truly wonderful that you plan to be with for life? You have probably heard of a soul mate and wonder, “How do I know if I’ve met my soul mate?” But don’t just stop with soul mate!

Not only do soul mates exist, but there is also an even deeper type of connection called a Twin Flame.

Many people haven’t heard of a Twin Flame. Some already know their Twin Flames and just didn’t realize that’s what the relationship was called. Our souls were split into two parts when we were created and placed into two bodies with a yearning to reconnect. Finding that other person is often referred to as your “other half.”

To understand more about Twin Flames, keep reading!

What is a Twin Flame?

A Twin Flame is a mirror soul or the other half of you. It is believed that souls split when they ascend to a high frequency, landing in two different people.

We have talked about Energy Types before. A Twin Flame is going to be made from the same energy you are, and you will feel an attraction like a magnet! It doesn’t mean you will always be on the same page or agree, but you have the potential to become one again with a unified bond.

Twin Flame vs. Soulmate

The Twin Flame or mirror soul is not the same thing as a soulmate relationship—it is a far deeper connection because it originated from the same source. A soulmate is made from the same energy as you but never existed in fusion with you in any past life or higher plane.

Finding your Twin Flame won’t always mean a romantic relationship; your Twin could be a best friend, a biological twin or a business partner.

Your mirror soul will reflect back all of your fears and shadows while also showing your true strength and inner beauty. So, a mirror soul isn’t always flattering. You are going to have a hard time appreciating your Twin Flame if you struggle to work through your shortcomings or don’t love yourself. While a soulmate feels almost made to be your match, a Twin Flame feels like someone you’ve always known.

“It wasn’t exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that. A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat.” – Nikki Rowe

The Origins of the Twin Flame Theory

The Twin Flame union is not a new concept. In Plato’s Symposium, he wrote about humans originally having four legs, four arms, and two heads. The humans were on a higher plane, fast and powerful. They scared the gods, and Zeus cut them in two to weaken them, resulting in twin souls. Within Plato’s Symposium, the poet Aristophanes speaks about soul splits, saying:

“Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Each of us, then, is a ‘matching half’ of a human whole…and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him.”

This is one explanation for why we feel like we are missing something and why we look so hard to find a person who fulfills us. In the creation story of Genesis, this concept is a bit different. The story says God chose to separate his first two beings so they could be companions and not be alone among the animals.

While we won’t ever completely fulfill that empty space with another person, we can find our Twin Flame, and that will help us grow and ascend to a much higher plane. We still need God at the center of our very being, but with two halves back together, we are able to work towards a fuller understanding of ourselves.

Purpose of a Twin Flame

You will find your Twin Flame because you will be drawn towards them no matter what obstacles are in life. Time and distance will not separate you from coming back together. The Twin Flame relationship allows us to strip the outer snakeskin of ego and face our wounded hearts, transforming into spiritually awake beings.

When brought together, Twin Flames will have a purpose to achieve together. This might be bringing conscious children into the world, but it could also include so many other things! You might work together to build up others or start an eco-conscious business. You could become spiritual guides and mentor others.

You don’t just complete each other; you are the catalyst for spiritual maturity for each other. The soul is complete on its own. The mirror soul is the other half of a whole that grows together. In a sense, it is the Yin and Yang relationship. Together, they are one and complete, but they are still distinct and separate.

Twin Flames are Challenging, But Not Toxic

While your Twin may push you to face things you don’t want to deal with, they should never create a toxic environment. True Twin Flame connections should not be painful, abusive or traumatic to either party. While we are all imperfect humans, there are some lines that should never be crossed.

Expect to face all the failings of a fallen person, but look for the relationship to help both of you mature—not regress.

15 Common Signs You Have Met Your Twin Flame

Perhaps you think you have already found your Twin Flame. Or maybe you are unsure and not seeing the mirror soul because you are not receptive to their presence. Stress, overworking, negative thoughts, and lifestyle habits can keep us from seeing our Twin Flame for who they are. You will have to love yourself before you see your Twin Flame for the gem that they are. Here are 15 Twin Flame signs you might already be connected in some way to your Twin Flame:

  1. Feeling inexplicably drawn or attracted to the other person.
  2. An intuition of what the other person is doing, thinking or feeling.
  3. Sharing similar interests, preferences, values, and activities.
  4. Experiencing emotions and thoughts on the same level, even if you aren’t together in the same physical place (almost on a psychic level).
  5. A magnetic pull to be physically close (romantically or platonically).
  6. Having the same dreams at night (or a similar message), and frequently appearing in each other’s dreams.
  7. Finding you can easily communicate without speaking out loud.
  8. An intense relationship with a deep understanding of hidden complexities and deep parts of one another.
  9. Freedom in sharing issues, struggles and weaknesses.
  10. Feeling safe to be your authentic self around them.
  11. A sensation that time doesn’t exist between you.
  12. Feelings of Deja vu and recognition-as if you can’t remember what it was like before you were together.
  13. Forgiving each other completely no matter how many times you fight.
  14. You experience spiritual growth through the relationship, like empathy, unconditional love, compassion, selflessness and forgiveness.
  15. You can’t help but learn things about yourself when you are around a mirror soul.

8 Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship

When you’ve found your Twin Flame, there are typically seven stages you go through in your journey. If you know your stage, it can be easier to predict the flow of your relationship with your Twin Flame.

  1. The Search

You have a yearning and strong feeling of lacking. You may not even be looking for a soulmate or thinking about relationships. You might have lots of friends and not feel lonely. But, there is something that causes you to wonder if there is a perfect match out there that would fill this feeling of lacking.

2. The Awakening

You meet your Twin Flame, and the awareness starts. At first, you might be too distracted or busy to even realize you have met that mirror half. Your compatibility and feeling of familiarity will be hard to ignore. When you meet, you will feel like your world is rocked, and the attraction will be instant.

3. The Honeymoon Phase

At first, your Twin Flame relationship will feel easy. Everything will be bright and meaningful. You will crave time with your Twin and have rose-colored glasses when it comes to their faults. The duration of this phase depends on the couple.

4. The Crisis

There is typically a moment (or many) where you hit a struggle that stresses your relationship. You worry about your bond, and you aren’t sure you will be able to get through the barrier. This could be anything from struggles of self-love to betrayal or grief.

When it happens with extreme crisis, this is where some Twin Flames decide they need to separate. The loss of a child, the unfaithfulness of a spouse, being surprised with deep debt-there are a number of crisis points that can be too hard of a hurdle to master. But, separation is very painful when it comes to Twin Flame love because you are giving up part of yourself.

For the mirror souls that make it through difficult points of crisis, there is a point where you can emerge stronger than ever.

5. The Test

As you are trying to understand your relationship, there will be testing to understand the boundaries. You will explore the limitations and depth of the potential relationship with your Twin Flame. You will notice the failures and shortcomings of your Twin, moving from naïve love into a more mature state of loving someone for who they truly are.

You must go beyond the initial bliss of falling in love to move towards a deeper relationship. In most cases, this stage of the relationship leads to one Twin pulling away from the other.

6. The Chase

When those tensions mount, it is common for Twin Flame separation—emotionally or physically. Whether you are running or chasing, there is going to be a point where this pursuit happens. The less mature and psychospiritually balanced person is going to be the runner, while the more emotionally balanced and mature partner will be the chaser. You have to be patient if you are the chaser and realize your pursuit may last days or years.

In the case where someone wronged the other in a major way (like cheating or abuse), the runner is going to be the one hurt and likely to be the more mature and emotionally balanced partner. The chaser is chasing, not because they are more mature, but because they messed things up. In some cases, like abusive relationships and domestic violence, the runner may need to stay away permanently.

7. The Surrender

If the runner realizes that the chaser is right or chooses to forgive the chaser for the deep hurt caused, then the reconciliation can occur in the Twin Flame journey. If you can both give up control of the relationship, you will surrender to a deeper connection caused by destiny. At this point, you choose to accept each other—flaws and all.

8. The Reunion

The more you work through during the Twin Flame reunion, the more your oneness strengthens as friends, lovers or siblings. You will find unity gets easier and easier as you surrender control to God. Twin Flames should ultimately be in such harmony that they experience little-to-no conflict after the coming home stage. This spiritual awakening is a return to a blissful paradise-or a connection that was meant to be.

What Happens if You Don’t Meet Your Twin Flame?

Not all Twin Flames are reunited. Without proper growth, Twin Flames might not even recognize each other for who they are or feel that instant connection.

How to Connect with Your Twin Flame

Attracting your Twin Flame back to you is fairly simple (and often hard): you need to find true love for yourself. Developing authentic self-love allows attraction and awakening to occur.

You must deal with the darkest parts of yourself in order to love your Twin Flame. To be open for the Twin Flame connection, you will need to be balanced and filled with healthy self-love. I would love to help you find this connection and learn more about loving yourself!

Visit my Healing Center, where you can experience powerful results in healing those dark places deep within.

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