How can you tell the difference between your intuition and those feelings of anxiety?
Think back on a time when you were hit with a thought. It seemed to come out of nowhere and made you feel like you should do something. The more you thought about it, the more you worried and couldn’t get it out of your head.
We often hear about intuition, that gut feeling of just knowing something.
But sometimes we can’t tell the difference between our intuitive downloads, and the feelings of fear, stress, or anxiety.
We want to make sure we’re following our intuition—but how can we know for sure?
It all comes back to the feeling in your body.
Each month, I host a Live Coaching Call for The Carol Tuttle Healing Center, and we just ended the year with incredible calls in November and December. During our November call, we had an open Q&A where Healing Center members were able to ask me anything they wanted about their own healing experiences. I loved this question from one of our live viewers:
“How do I discern between intuition, anxiety, worry? For example, I left my parents’ house and felt like I should have given my mom another hug. But I think it was from anxiety that something might happen to her before I see her again.”
I was so glad they submitted this question because we hear about “intuition” a lot in the healing world. Intuition is that deep knowing that transcends logic, thought, or external proof.
So when feelings of worry or fear rise up, it makes this process very confusing to people!
I’m going to teach you one simple trick to know the difference between your intuition and anxiety.
How does your body feel? Intuition feels open and correct. Anxiety feels tight and confusing.
Intuitive hits come with a clean energy. It’s almost like a sense of stillness and can either feel powerful or gentle. Either way, there is no questioning or wondering if it is correct. Your body will feel still and peaceful.
That being said, it’s very possible that you may feel nervous if your intuition is guiding you to take a course of action that is new or out of your comfort zone. You’re being called to “step it up” and expand beyond yourself.
If the original source of the thought is calm, peaceful, and clean, that’s your intuition. Any nerves that come up afterward can be worked with.
But the process of intuition itself is not one of stress and anxiety.
If the original source of the thought makes you or your body feel frazzled, anxious, worried, or stressed, that is not your intuition.
If it is based on a “should,” (I should have done this, or I should do that), that’s being provoked by fear, and it’s an old program. Here’s how to address it.
Two ways to clear anxiety and stress from your body and energy field:
If you’re already a Healing Center member, you have access to these! Use them any time you feel anxious.
These were just some of the topics we discussed in the coaching call. I love these calls because it brings us together, helping everyone feel supported and connected.
Watch the full Coaching Call replay here by joining the Healing Center and getting even more insight on this topic. We have recordings of all past calls in the Healing Center so that you can return to them any time you need an extra dose of healing advice!
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How did this call help you? Post about your insights and “aha” moments in the members-only Healing Center Facebook group.
Psst. This coaching call had giveaways exclusively for our live Zoom attendees that are now closed. As you watch the replay, if you feel a tug toward any of the resources mentioned, treat yourself to them! You’re being called to them for a reason.
Bless you,