Making Pain & Illness Your Friend – 3 Steps to Healing

What is your body asking you to heal? Here's how you can do it.

If you’re challenged by disease, illness, or pain, you know how discouraging it is!

We can all agree that having a healthy constitution is more important than ever right now, due to the pandemic we’re facing.

This special broadcast is all about connecting with your emotions and physical body so you can heal for good.

While it is difficult and unpleasant, your body is an intelligent being that communicates with you through pain, illness, or diseases. Consider the possibility that there may be something stuck in your emotional body when you’re dealing with physical issues. We’re going to discuss how this happens and how to heal it.

Here’s what we cover on this broadcast:

(10:58) – I share my story of dealing with chronic pain for 7 years. I personally know how debilitating it is to your life to be dealing with a health challenge on a daily basis. I know what it’s like to plan your life around the pain and to feel so hopeless. But here’s how I began to heal it.

(15:55) – 3 Tips for Healing:

  1. Don’t make your condition your identity.
  2. Look at the underlying pattern in your emotional energy.
  3. Keep believing in your body.

(20:11) – Meet my guest, Theresa, who has several serious health issues, including Hashimotos and skin problems that have lasted for years. You’ll begin to see the underlying pattern from the beginning of her life that’s still presenting in these physical imbalances today. It’s a powerful connection for her—and it will help you start to look for your own patterns as well.

(34:00) – I take live questions such as, “Does the Healing Plan for Disease, Illness & Pain support allergies? What about being born with birth defects?” and others!

Come heal with us.

There has never been a better time to heal what is holding you back. What are you ready to heal? JOIN ME for the Healing Plan for Disease, Illness & Pain. We start the guided healing experience on Monday, September 14th.

Bless you,

This special broadcast had giveaways that end on Friday, September 11th at 4pm MT. To watch my videos and be eligible for future giveaways, follow me on Facebook.

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