Ticked Off? How to Stay In a High Vibration

Maybe you're not supposed to be healing all of the time

You’re here because you’re dedicated to your healing journey. But how are you supposed to manage when you keep getting triggered all the time?

You do a clearing session from The Carol Tuttle Healing Center and feel on edge the rest of the day.

You read a part of my book and feel an emotional reaction from it.

You try to focus on your family, but you’re preoccupied with what you’re processing underneath the surface.

You thought this healing work was supposed to make your life better—so why does it feel more challenging sometimes?

Before we go on, let me just say getting triggered while doing healing work is expected! In fact, that is exactly what shows you what needs to be addressed. Instead of running from triggers, shift into a state of appreciating them. See them as gifts from the Divine that help you take the next step.

However! If you’re getting triggered so often, to the point where it’s affecting your life negatively, keep reading.

#1 Sign You Need a Break from Healing

Each time I host a guided healing plan, I hold a Live Coaching Call for all The Carol Tuttle Healing Center members. In a recent call, I answered some fantastic questions about how to move on after an abusive relationship, how to find a job that aligns with your soul, and others, including this one:

I could use help learning how to maintain a higher vibration. As my day goes on, I really struggle staying in my own energy. I’m able to recognize it and recenter myself, but I feel like I’m doing that all day long.”

Elizabeth is a busy mom of five kids, and she’s determined to heal and break patterns for herself and her family. But…most days, this feels exhausting. The constant triggers are draining her.

Continuous triggers are the #1 sign you need to take a break from healing.

Let me be clear: I don’t mean to stop your healing work altogether. You are burning yourself out and not giving your energy system enough time to clear before you do the next session, practice, or Healing Course.

Energy healing is powerful because you’re working with energy—think of it as a circuit in your being. It’s essential to have a starting and stopping point.

Most people forget to close the circuit at the end of their healing practices each day.

It is very taxing on your energy system to be working 24/7. You’ve opened it to clear, but it’s not quieting down for you to move throughout your day in a practical way.

How to Close the Circuit

Closing the circuit is very simple! All you have to do is visualize and set the intention to “set it aside” for later. Picture wrapping your healing journey in a field of white light. Imagine it being wrapped in Divine love. Visualize it being placed in a box, in a safe place, for you to return to later on. Acknowledge that it’s there, that your angels will take care of it until you can address it again.

Feel free to have your personality show up for this. Be lighthearted or silly about it. “Now’s not the time, healing! I have to take care of other things right now!”

You are in charge of your life. You get to decide when it’s time to heal, and when it needs to wait for later. This is not the same as suppressing or repressing it. In fact, you’re doing the exact opposite.

That’s it! It’s genuinely that simple.

How to Plan Your Healing to Prevent Burnout

Now that you know how to close to circuits, let’s talk about ways to prevent burnout. The main thing is: don’t feel like you have to charge into your healing the same way every day. Make adjustments based on your life.

Some things to consider:

  • What is on your plate that day? A big project, a lot of errands, or a family situation? Maybe it’s not correct for you to do a big clearing session that morning.
  • Do you have a busy day with your kids? Maybe choose an Affirmation or Daily Script track instead of a clearing session.
  • What does your upcoming week look like? You may want to pace yourself and enjoy your Creation Journal as your main practice.
  • Just processed something really heavy? Opt for a Healing Bowl meditation for a few days as you let your energy system rebalance.

You’re healing. You’re enough. You’ve got this.

This was just one of the amazing parts of a live coaching call. Want to see even more? Watch the replay here.

You get access to this Coaching Call (and all the other calls we’ve done in the past) when you’re a member of the Healing Center. If you haven’t joined us yet, you can get your first two weeks free!

Start your (FREE) complimentary two weeks here!

How did this call help you? Post about your insights and “aha” moments in the members-only Healing Center Facebook group.

Psst. This coaching call had giveaways exclusively for our live Zoom attendees that are now closed. As you watch the replay, if you feel a tug toward any of the resources mentioned, treat yourself to them! You’re being called to them for a reason.

Bless you,

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