Why You Don’t Have Motivation to Exercise

3 automatic ways to make sure you're taking care of yourself.

You know a walk would be good for you. Taking that yoga class isn’t hard either. But then why does any form of exercise feel impossible?

When your mental health is slipping, you already know what you need to do. We hear it all the time, the importance of doing simple things like exercise, eat well, get plenty of rest, hydrate, and avoid too much screen time.

On paper, all of these seem like reasonable things you could do. But any desire to take care of yourself goes out the window when your mood dips.

Trying times are when you need self-nurturing the most. How do you make sure it happens, even when you don’t feel like it?

Self-Care Isn’t Optional. It’s Vital.

Each month, I host a Live Coaching Call for The Carol Tuttle Healing Center, and we just had the coaching call for October. This month, I’m guiding members through the Healing Plan for Depression, and this call focused on questions specifically related to members’ experiences with depression.

A couple of the members mentioned feeling scattered and unmotivated as a result of dealing with depression. They’re well on their way to healing, but how do they take care of themselves along the way?

3 Automatic Ways to Make Sure You’re Taking Care of Yourself

  1. Get grounded with onyx. One of the symptoms of depression is feeling overwhelmed. If you’re feeling scattered, like you can’t keep up or stay on track, wear onyx. This powerful (and affordable) gemstone helps you become more focused, and as a result, more productive. You’ll be able to prioritize your next steps and make decisions easily.
  2. Diffuse “I Am Present” daily. Sometimes when we’re stressed, we feel like we’re not even in our bodies. We feel disconnected and distant from ourselves. This floral, sweet, and woody scent will help you stay connected and present in your body, which will help you take care of yourself.
  3. Hire help. Take the pressure off of yourself to always have the answers and motivation. Have a personal trainer come to your home twice a week. Hire a nutritionist to help you meal plan and grocery shop. Explain the problem and why you need them to show up. Chances are, if you’ve spent money to hire someone, you’re going to make the most of it too.

Healing doesn’t have to be hard. And you don’t have to do it alone.

These were just some tips for depression that we discussed in the coaching call. I love these calls because it brings us together, helping everyone feel supported and connected.

Watch the full Coaching Call replay here by joining the Healing Center and getting even more insight on this topic. We have recordings of all past calls in the Healing Center so that you can return to them any time you need an extra dose of healing advice!

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Start your (FREE) complimentary two weeks here!

How did this call help you? Post about your insights and “aha” moments in the members-only Healing Center Facebook group.

Psst. This coaching call had giveaways exclusively for our live Zoom attendees that are now closed. As you watch the replay, if you feel a tug toward any of the resources mentioned, treat yourself to them! You’re being called to them for a reason.

Bless you,

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