A 5-Minute Practice to Release All the Old 2021 Energy

Don't set resolutions until you do this 5-min practice!

Are you eager to end 2021 and start the new year?

This time of year is magical and powerful. Everyone is ready to wrap up the last 12 months and get a fresh start.

But wait – most people’s resolutions fail by March. I don’t want that to be you! So before you start to set your intentions and resolutions, let’s take the first step to set you up for success.

One of the things you need to do first is close up the energy of the current year. It’s simple and powerful.

How to Truly Welcome In the New Year.

Each month, I host a Live Coaching Call for all the members of The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. These calls are always phenomenal, and everyone who watches them learns so much. And we just had our December call last week!

On this call, I led a timely visualization to help you wrap up the old energy of 2021. Without this crucial step, you will be carrying old energy into your future, dragging along patterns, habits, cycles, and behaviors that no longer serve you.

Before you begin, read through this visualization so you are familiar with it. Feel free to record your own voice reading it, so you can listen back to it!

(Or — make it easy on yourself! Join the Healing Center so you can watch the replay and let Carol’s voice guide you through this powerful year-end practice.)

Visualization to Release the Old Energy of 2021

Get in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Uncross your arms and legs. Take a deep breath in, and a deep exhale. Take one more deep inhale and exhale. Close your eyes. And notice the space you’re occupying, notice your feet, your ankles, your calves, your knees, your thighs. Just notice what’s ever holding and supporting your body. Notice your abdomen, your chest area, shoulders, upper arm, elbows. Notice your forearms, wrists, hands, your neck, your cheeks, the back of your head, the front of your face, the top of your head, and connecting with your whole body in this moment, taking another deep inhale and exhale.

Turn your attention inward and imagine you’re standing in front of a sketchpad on an easel. You can imagine you’re in a place of light, a place in nature. Where you are is not really important. But you’re standing in front of a sketch pad on an easel and there’s a marker there. You take this marker and you draw a box or you draw a garbage can.

Take all the energy that has taught you and served you from your past. It’s stuff from your DNA. It’s stuff from your family. It’s stuff from your childhood. It’s energy that served a purpose. It’s been a teacher to you.

You play a role of helping free yourself and your family system from this energy as a generational healer.

Put all of this energy in that container, put it in the box, put it in the garbage can, just have it all go in. Once it’s in, you put the lid on. Now draw a bow being tied around it to secure it shut. You can draw a rope or something that shows that you’re wrapping it up. You are wrapping up this energy. Now shake the energy off your hands.

Now imagine as you step back, that picture can get really really, really, really, really big. It’s huge. And then all of a sudden, you can shrink it down to the tiniest little image, like the head of a pin. It’s microscopic almost. And you realize it’s all energy.

You realize you have the power to change energy. You can make it really big, or you can make it really tiny. And you bring it back to the size it was when you started.

Now, it’s time to set this on fire and transform the energy. Light it with either a candle, or a flame starter, or a match. Watch as it burns up the sketchpad, the easel, the whole deal. Let it burn down to ash. As it does that, turn it into creation energy for yourself. You now have all of this new energy to create what’s timely and inspired for you. And it just downloads into your auric field, supporting you.

Now, look around you and you see a path lit up. That’s the path into 2022. And there’s these wonderful bright pillars, maybe a big banner over and it says, “Welcome to 2022, your best year yet.” The path is lit up and the color is perfect for you.

With confidence, walk through into 2022 with all this creation energy available to you. Take a deep inhale and exhale. Imagine now you can take what you’ve been playing with in your imagination, take the energy of it, and put it in the palm of your hands, and then place it in your heart and let it spark in every cell coming one with you. Notice your whole body again, sitting there, coming back into the here and now, gently open your eyes.

There you go! You’ll all ready for 2022.

This was just one of the amazing parts of the live coaching call. Want to see even more? Watch the replay here.

You get access to this Coaching Call (and all the other calls we’ve done in the past) when you’re a member of the Healing Center. If you haven’t joined us yet, you can get your first two weeks free!

Start your (FREE) complimentary two weeks here!

How did this call help you? Post about your insights and “aha” moments in the members-only Healing Center Facebook group.

Psst. This coaching call had giveaways exclusively for our live Zoom attendees that are now closed. As you watch the replay, if you feel a tug toward any of the resources mentioned, treat yourself to them! You’re being called to them for a reason.

Bless you,

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