3 Women & Their Inspiring Weight Loss Stories

Want to lose weight but feel discouraged? Read these stories for inspiration.

New Year’s is quickly approaching, and losing weight is one of the most common resolutions for women. As I said in my blog on How to Stop Sugar Cravings, 48% of Americans say their resolution included losing weight for 2021. Many women are going to make a resolution to lose weight this year without turning to surgery. They may search for answers to common questions like, “How can I safely lose weight?” and “What is the fastest way to lose weight?

While you will see a barrage of fad diets and pills promising to banish the inches, the true change will occur after you address your underlying issues. All the dieting or medications are like putting a bandage on a broken leg; at first, you may feel better, but you won’t heal until the broken bone is addressed. The same holds true with habitual struggles like weight control: you won’t be able to change for the long term until you address the underlying problem.

It is totally possible to lose weight, and I’m going to show you how in this blog! I have three women’s weight loss stories shared after using this method to successfully lose weight. Keep reading to find out how you can manage your weight whether you are working a stressful career, working from home, mothering small children or in the midst of retirement!

Clear the Blocks and Release the Weight

Losing weight is a common goal at this time of year. But it feels tougher than it sounds!

Other women seem to lose weight, so why can’t you? It’s because there’s a deeper, underlying issue preventing you from releasing that extra weight. I created tools to help women like you uncover what blocks are holding them back.

In The Carol Tuttle Energy Healing Center, I’ve created hundreds of clearing sessions to help with specific issues people deal with every day. From there, I carefully assemble healing plans to help you target a bigger issue.

In the Healing Plan for Weight Loss, you’re guided through a 4-week process that will go deep to heal your issues with weight, body image and food challenges.

These three women from my Healing Center each have an incredible weight loss success story, sharing how they lost excess pounds naturally and kept them off. They could hardly believe that the process was easier than ever before. Let them inspire you!

Jessica: Motivated by a Supportive Community

Sometimes, it takes people outside of you to get you motivated to change your natural approach towards food. This motivating community might be your friends, family or complete strangers with similar goals. The important thing about community is how they can help you get a clearer view of reality in regards to health and wellness.

Jessaca before and after weight loss success

Jessica found the Healing Center community helped her hit a weight loss goal, motivating her to continue her personal healing journey towards food insecurities formed during her childhood:

“I’ve released 30 pounds since I did the Healing Plan for Weight Loss! I grew up in a household where we might only eat school lunch and there wouldn’t be any other food, so I’ve always been stressed about food. Now I’m 90% less stressed about food. Thank you, Carol, and anyone who has given support to me in comments or by posting something of your own that had helped me! 💖”

Laura: Developed a Healthy Lifestyle After Learning About the Mind-Body Connection

Developing a healthy lifestyle is about more than maintaining a “calories in, calories out” lifestyle. Healthy and sustainable fat loss is also about creating a healthy mindset where your mind leads the way.

Laura Before and After her weight loss success

This was the biggest takeaway Laura discovered in her weight loss journey:

“After I had my second baby, I couldn’t lose weight. I was exercising every day, but the weight stuck around. Then after my third baby, I was stuck at an even heavier weight. I hated stepping on the scale and seeing that same number every time. Through the Healing Center, I learned to tell my body how much I love and appreciate it. And I started feeling better about myself. One day, I decided to step on the scale, fully expecting the numbers to be the same. I lost 20 lbs! In the 2 months! I fully attribute that to my healing work. I’m feeling great and looking great!”

Laura B.: Embraced the Ultimate Self-Care Practices for Her Body

Self-care is a buzzword these days, but it is a very real need. For some women, chocolate and long baths just aren’t enough to cut it. Are you one of them?

Laura Before and After weight loss success

Laura B. gained a new perspective on what it means to take care of herself:

“This healing plan was so much more about learning to listen to my body and understanding what I needed. It took time, but I literally shifted my whole standpoint on food and exercise. I can no longer be bought with food or see exercise as anything but self-care and me time. Give yourself the time you need to shift. Originally my body said I needed to lose 12 pounds. After a few months, it let go of that milestone and I lost 25 pounds. I feel free.”

Why is it Hard to Lose Weight and Keep it Off?

There are many common reasons that make it hard to lose weight. Here are some of the most common underlying struggles that may cause you to fail in your weight loss goals.

Stress and anxiety: When you are in a state of fight or flight, it’s hard to make good choices about nutrition and lifestyle habits. Prolonged feelings of stress or anxiety can even cause the body to store excess fat as it prepares to face a time of distress. Stress or anxiety may come from circumstances (like family, financial struggles or workplace demands), health conditions or genetics.

Depression: Feeling low can make it hard to find the motivation needed to make healthy choices in your life. For some, depression can cause weight loss with a loss of appetite. For others, depression can slow the metabolism and desire to be active, causing weight gain. Depression can also occur postpartum-even for women who have never struggled with low moods before the birth of their child.

Unchecked habits: Sometimes, poor eating habits form, and we don’t replace them with better habits. If we do try a healthy habit, we may feel we are depriving ourselves (see below), so the change doesn’t stick. Avoiding the gym or regular activity is another unhealthy habit that must change for a healthier fitness journey to support your weight loss.

Perception of comfort/rewards: When we internally believe certain foods mean something beneficial, we assign the wrong value to them. For example, we tend to look at sweets as if they are rewards when they are really the foods that make us feel sick, sluggish or sleepy. If you can change your perspective to see foods for how they impact you, then you will find it easier to reward yourself with foods that truly make you feel good.

Feelings of deprivation: If you try to follow a strict diet without changing your perspective, you will start to feel deprived. We naturally fight against feelings of deprivation in our most natural reactive state. You have to reshape your thinking on what is a reward or comfort food by considering how they make you feel 15 minutes or an hour after eating them. Not only can feelings of deprivation occur when you deny unhealthy foods, but also when you feel like you can’t afford some of the healthier options. Always form your decisions by what choice you are making (positive perspective) rather than what you “have” to do (negative perspective).

Low confidence or negative self-image: When we diet because we feel bad about our looks, we start off on the wrong foot. Negative energy towards yourself will drag you right back to that low place of poor lifestyle habits. To truly change your behavior pattern, you need to start from a place of self-love and empowerment.

10 Tips to Naturally Lose Unwanted Weight

Here are some practical behavior tips I give women in the Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The three women above said these tips were helpful for their success:

  1. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Eat each meal slowly, enjoying the food and stopping when the edge of hunger is gone.
  2. Prepare smaller portions on a smaller (salad-sized) plate so it looks plentiful (and not like you are depriving yourself).
  3. Pursue healthy eating by choosing high in protein, carbs, healthy fats and nutrients. This will include vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, fish and chicken.
  4. Change how you view food. Stop looking at it as a source of pleasure, and see it as a source of fuel for your body. Start thinking about how it will make you feel 15 minutes or an hour after eating it.
  5. Stop eating by 6 or 7 pm each day, allowing your body time to process food before you sleep.
  6. Cut out fast food, junk food and processed snacks. Consider meal- and snack-prepping foods in line with your healthy diet to avoid impulsive decisions when you are hungry.
  7. Quit smoking. Smoking impairs your health and will impede your goals for long-term health.
  8. Spend at least 30 minutes of time only for yourself each day. This is not a selfish practice; it gives you more energy to do other tasks.
  9. Change your weight loss motivation driving your desire to change. Instead of trying to look like models in the magazine or fit a specific size, switch your goals to being healthy and living longer lives to be with your loved ones. The promises of feeling better, experiencing higher energy levels and having more time with your loved ones are all more motivating reasons than superficial ones.
  10. Get a solid amount of sleep on a regular sleep schedule. Enforce your own bedtime and aim for at least eight hours of sleep each night. Not only will this help regulate your metabolism with a better circadian rhythm, but it will also help support your energy levels for heightened focus, improved impulse control and increased physical activity.

Say Goodbye to Your Weight Issues and Body Image Struggles for Good

Your goals for losing weight and feeling more confident in your own skin should be a life-long change. The last thing you want is a yo-yo diet where you lose a lot of body weight, plateau, and then bounce back to your initial weight. A back-and-forth result isn’t just hard on your body, but it is also hard on your self-esteem. When you make this change, you need to make it for good.

Above all, you need to bring positive energy into your journey. Without a positive approach, you will always struggle to maintain the right motivation for long-term change.

In the Carol Tuttle Healing Center, I created Affirmations to Help You Let Go of Extra Weight.

These affirmations will help train your mind to think in the affirmative about your body, rather than negative self-talk that can keep you from losing weight. This session is perfect for listening to while exercising or at the beginning of each day during a period of weight loss. You can try it now with a FREE 2-week trial.

You will find other healing sessions in the Center to help you with any issues that may be blocking your growth progress. Join now to experience healing for yourself!

Come see what makes weight loss hard for you.

Bless you,


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