How Knowing Your Type Helps You Heal

Personality tests are fun, but how important is it to know your Energy Type? Knowing your Energy Type goes much further than just exploring part of your personality. The Energy Type quiz helps you learn the natural element of yourself that is driven by your energy. There are four Energy Types and knowing yours can help you heal. Keep reading to find out more about Energy Types and how they can support healing.

What is My Energy Type?

First of all, you need to know your own Energy Type. Here is a very brief overview of the four Energy Types and how they manifest in people.

  • Type 1 (Air): Not tied down—might be considered scattered, flaky or a daydreamer.
  • Type 2 (Water): Goes with the flow—may be more intuitive, emotional or wishy-washy.
  • Type 3 (Fire): Acts with passion and purpose—may be considered intense or discontent.
  • Type 4 (Earth): Likes order and stability—regarded as dependable, reliable or boring.

What you may find is that your Type isn’t what you would think. A lot of people think they have qualities that they aren’t necessarily known for holding. For example, a Type 3 may feel as if they are dependable and consistent, while the people around them see the wanderlust or passion that is a much more prominent trait. So, to really know your Energy Type, you need to take my Energy Type quiz! You can also learn more about the Four Energy Types here.

5 Ways Knowing Your Energy Type Offers Healing

When you know more about yourself, you will find it is a healing experience. Here are five ways your Energy Type will deeply impact your life.

Dressing Your Truth

I apply the Energy Types to my Dressing Your Truth site because I know how much this matters in your overall wellness. You may think it seems shallow to worry about your outside, but it helps reflect what is happening on the inside. It’s profoundly healing to just look like yourself and dress the way you feel. Not only will you feel better in your own skin, but your appearance will help send certain messages to those around you. Are you boisterous? Artsy? Reserved? There are so many different looks that help others understand you better from the very first impression. I use Energy Type profiling to help women match their visible style to their personality so they can accurately express themselves. Another huge benefit to this approach is that you won’t feel so lost when shopping for yourself. Once you understand the “ground rules” for your Type, you will know what to gravitate towards in the store or while browsing online. Have you ever loved a piece but realized it just “wasn’t you” when you tried it on? When you know your Energy Type, you can avoid many of these frustrating experiences.

Accepting Who You Are

As your adult self, knowing your Energy Type helps you stop judging your personal traits so harshly. Instead, you realize that these traits are shared among those with your Energy Type. There is a sense of relief when you understand your inner being and know that you won’t operate the same way as other Types. You may also realize some of the other people in your life who are on a similar energy vibration because they are the same Energy Type. Often parents stifle your Type when it isn’t their own—even when they don’t mean to put you down. This friction creates an internal belief that who we are is somehow “wrong” or needs to be changed for those around us. You may have been told to calm down frequently if your parents were Type 4 while you were a Type 3. If your parent was a Type 1 or Type 2 and you were a Type 4, you might have been told to “loosen up” a lot. As you learned to stifle and modify your natural behavior, you likely formed deep feelings of being a misfit. When you change your behavior simply to match those around you, you create a divided inner voice. Part of you naturally feels certain things, but the other part won’t let you show that to others around you. This duplicity weighs on your energy level and makes it difficult to feel like yourself. You will form feelings of self-hate and repeat negative mantras to yourself to stay in check. When you realize your Energy Type, you can release yourself from those expectations that other Energy Types hold based on personal perspective.

Changing Your Shortcomings

Everyone does have certain tendencies towards personal struggle. Understanding your Energy Type allows you to know the common shortcomings that your Energy Type tends to face. For example:

  • Type 1 may have trouble committing to a schedule or staying on task. They might struggle with feeling grounded and tend to be upper chakra dominant.
  • Type 2 may be more emotional and all over the place with how they feel about things. They tend to struggle between their feelings on a subject and how they perceive others to feel about that subject.
  • Type 3 might accidentally overpower others—pushing their own perspectives and agendas because they genuinely believe it is the best solution. In some cases, a Type 3 may not even hear others because they don’t interject or oppose loudly enough.
  • Type 4 tends to be a homebody that struggles with change and unpredictable circumstances. They are often considered hard-headed, stubborn or the party pooper because they don’t have an adventurous side. As very grounded people, they are likely to be lower chakra dominant.

None of these traits are wrong—but, left unchecked, certain shortcomings could negatively impact you or those around you. Understanding these tendencies makes it possible for you to catch your triggers and act the way you choose—not according to your natural Energy Type. You will find it healing to know how you impact others and why that is completely normal for your Energy Type.

Knowing the Gifts You Bring

Every Energy Type has an incredible set of gifts they offer the world. It is healing to know how you fit into this life. It is an incredibly empowering feeling to know that you bring something to this life that other Energy Types don’t have (and need!). We all balance one another out, and that is why it is SO important that we all learn to love one another for who we are.

  • Type 1 types are the ones that help us see the ethereal and loosen our grip on the temporal and physical. They are our dreamers, creatives and tend to break the rules frequently.
  • Type 2 are our emoters and sometimes our empaths. They tend to be fluid and may act as the glue for other Energy Type groups.
  • Type 3 are the active and determined ones. They are often the leaders and dare to do things no one else will do—living life on the edge in many cases.
  • Type 4 bring steadiness and reliability that forms the bedrock of society. They are the dependable workers and servant leaders who are often more concerned about the big picture than their momentary feelings on something.

Understanding Those Around You

Finally, you can find healing in understanding how those around you are going to see and experience the world differently than you. When you know your Energy Type, you won’t feel pressured to see things in the same way as those you love. I find it extremely helpful to know my husband and children are naturally wired differently than me, and it helps me appreciate them more as well.

Continue Your Healing Journey

I want you to join me at Dressing Your Truth and continue this healing journey of getting to know yourself. We also explore these concepts in my Healing Center, where you will find helpful courses for healing deep-seated pain and clearing energy blocks.

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