The Numerology And Energetic Meaning Of The Year 2022

Every year we take a look at the meaning behind the year. The numbers themselves can give us insight into what is happening within the universe. For 2022, you can expect surprising shifts and emotions running high. How you choose to respond could make this year one of your best or cause you to shell up.

It’s important to think about where we’ve just come from. For 2021, I wrote:

This is the year where “anything goes.” This doesn’t mean you should live recklessly, but it does mean that your intuition may be different than everyone else’s. We are all going to need to follow our own understandings and perspectives, so it may feel like a little bit of a free-for-all when it comes to what “works.”

Wow, did that ever hold true! We went through the wringer in 2020 and 2021. While 2020 was about finding inner clarity, 2021 was more about finding your own path forward. This year is going to be all about adapting in the way that best supports you. It will require focusing all your creative energy on controlling your reality.

Remember, you don’t have to be a victim of your circumstance. You create your current reality and looming future by focusing your attention on manifesting affluence in your life. What you spend time focused on is going to be what you create in your life.

If you can keep a positive mindset and roll with the flow of 2022, you will see some impressive growth this year. Keep reading to find out more on how to be successful in 2022!

Energy Type Represented in 2022

With all the twos in 2022, you can probably imagine that the Energy Type represented here is a solid Type 2. Understanding the Energy Type for this year will help you know what approach will be most successful moving forward.

The four Energy Types are profiles I’ve created to help you understand the energy naturally flowing at the base level of your personality.

  • Type 1 (air) tends to be full of ideas, ethereal and sometimes spacey or flakey
  • Type 2 (water) is the empath, flowing forward, guided by surrounding energy and emotions.
  • Type 3 (fire) pushes forward, eager to try new things and driven, struggling with patience.
  • Type 4 (earth) is reliable and carefully weighs out choices, unlikely to be pushed into something.

What you see here is that when you apply the Type 2 energy to this year, you will do well to have a lot of empathy, consideration, flexibility and desire to move forward.

The other Energy Types will need to adjust their approach to be more like the Type 2. The Type 1 will need to be more grounded and ready to take action, the Type 2 will have to be less intense and more connected, while the Type 4 will be pressed to adapt quickly and be less rigid.

The Type 2’s strength is the Heart Chakra, which we will see again below in the Chakras section. They tend to be more introspective, noticing the details and patterns other Types tend to miss. If they aren’t careful, Type 2s are likely to overextend themselves because they want to help everyone in their path.

Numerology for 2022

In numerology, you take the numbers and add them together. Most of the meanings derived from numerology are for the single-digit numbers. So, we have the numbers two, zero and the total sum of six (when you add the twos together).

2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6

Two: This number represents balance, sensitivity, intuition, attention to detail, decisiveness, grace, co-operation, consideration and flexibility.

Zero: This number represents potential and magnifies the other numbers it is paired with.

Six: Home, family, unconditional love, empathy, sympathy, nurturing, honesty, stability, healing, problem-solving and peacefulness.

I’m calling 2022 the year of coming home. I don’t mean a physical location with that phrase, but coming home to yourself. This is the year where you determine what your home includes. It should be full of love, nurturing, compassion, empathy and flexibility.

On the negative side of numerology, there is a high potential for this year to leave you easily stressed, too submissive, shallow, weak-willed, indifferent and stagnant. That is why it is so important to really focus on this year and capitalize on the potential here!

What Chakras Play an Important Role in 2022?

In 2020 we got to know ourselves better with stay-at-home orders. In 2021, we had to make the choices that were right for ourselves with a lot of varying information and misinformation. Well, 2022 is going to take that introspection a step further. If you want to get the most out of this year, you need to be true to yourself and pursue a nurturing approach to your path forward.

In 2021 we focused on the Root Chakra, but for 2022 we need to focus on the Sacral Chakra (6th Chakra), stemming from both the Third Eye Chakra (2nd Chakra) and the Heart Chakra (4th Chakra). This year requires balance and self-reflection.

The Cho Ku Rei is a Reiki power symbol that represents energy and strength. It literally illustrates energy coming down from the heavens into the Heart Center (or Heart Chakra). The meaning of this symbol is “all the energy of the universe focused on this point.”

If you watch the video, you will see I have it drawn on a paper. At the center, you can see the number six at the end of the spiral. This is a subtle reminder of what the energy for 2022 is supporting us in.

Chinese Astrology Meaning for 2022

This is considered the year of the Water Tiger in Chinese Astrology. This aligns with our Type 2 Energy profile (water), and it only happens once every 60 years! The tiger zodiac sign is well known for its boldness, power and daring. Some say this is the year to “go big or go home.”

I think you can do both; go big AND go home. Because home is wherever you make it!

2022 is going to demand some really impressive leaders on every level. You can use this fluidity to step up and lead, or you can use the fluidity to create your own bubble and reside there. Neither choice is right or wrong; you just need to decide what is right for you.

Based on the Chinese Zodiac, we expect tempers to get hot and drama to rise. If you thought 2020 and 2021 were intense, prepare yourself for 2022. It won’t necessarily be “worse,” but you need to bring your own calm to the storm, or you may get swept up into it. Water is an element directly connected to emotion, and it is going to reign supreme in 2022.

This really means there will be some incredible advantages for those Type 3s who can tap into their emotional and empathetic sides, going with the flow to some degree. It also bodes well for the Type 2s that are able to ignite a fire into the Sacral Chakra and power forward through emotions and empathy.

What Does the Universe Say About 2022?

Be very mindful of information and clutter brought into your space.

This year is going to keep us moving forward, but with the fluidity we expect from a Type 2 Energy. Don’t fight the current. Don’t stay in one place. Don’t let debris drag you down.

Learn how to go with the flow and take a gentle path downstream to get a new vantage point in life.

We can see 2022 supports creating a healing space. Don’t squander this opportunity for personal growth. I hope you join me in my Healing Center, where you can learn how to heal from past wounds and move forward this year.

To support your journey, also check out my I am nurtured essential oil blend.

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