What Are the Chakra Colors and Their Meanings?

There is a ton of information out there explaining what chakras are, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. It may take practice to understand how different chakras play a role in our health and mindset. The 7 chakra colors can impact our energy levels, so you should learn how to leverage them for a balanced chakra system.

Below we’ve broken each charka into easy, digestible chunks to help you get started on your journey and learn the most about chakra colors and their meanings!

What are the Seven Main Chakras?

Chakras are the hubs where our energy channels flow together, connecting the spiritual, mental and physical parts of us to everything else in the universe. The seven chakras we talk about are considered the primary chakras, but there are many in your body!

Your chakra colors are energy wheels that run in the body at key points. These main chakra energy centers of the human body run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra has a specific color, energy and meaning. You can use the chakra colors to support your energy and live a strong, fulfilled life!

Supporting your chakra colors will help them keep flowing without blockage. An imbalance (or a blockage) in one of your chakra centers might cause you to experience physical, mental or emotional issues, including pain or disorders.

There is no off switch to your chakras. They are always vibrating, and your energy is always moving. Sometimes, they can become overactive or blocked, especially if you aren’t monitoring them and clearing them. Understanding how colors impact chakras will help you gain more control over opening them, strengthening them or healing them when you find yourself struggling.

What Do The 7 Chakra Colors Mean?

The body’s chakra colors are typically broken down into seven and follow the color spectrum of the rainbow. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Color psychology tells us colors impact our thoughts and feelings, but you can experience chakra healing through color as well.

First Chakra (Root Chakra) – Red

The root chakra (or Muladhara chakra) represents survival consciousness. It is a red color, which symbolizes safety, survival, grounding and nourishment from the earth’s energy. This chakra is linked between the anal outlet and the genital area. It’s considered the human’s relation to the earth, and its position is the base of the spine. This chakra color represents the instinctual “fight or flight” response and basic needs for survival (food, shelter, safety and comfort). It’s important that you get the proper food and sleep to keep the root chakra well-balanced.

Logic, physical strength and orderliness are requirements for the root chakra, and it is the foundational energy center. Daily exercise, sunlight, and a good night’s sleep are very important for keeping the root chakra healthy.

When you feel stressed, afraid or worried, your root chakra might be blocked. When you’re feeling strong, healthy, loved and happy, your root chakra is open to you.

Second Chakra (Sacral Chakra) – Orange

The sacral chakra can be found below the belly button. The orange chakra color is associated with emotions, creativity and sexuality. This center is connected with water and flow. This chakra color is also considered to be a pro-creation chakra, meaning it’s close to the womb area and represents connections to other humans through sex, fertility, and reproduction.

Desires and feelings of intimacy come with the sacral chakra, and when are lacking the ability to connect intimately with ourselves and others in a healthy way, an imbalance (or block) is created. When your sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel it’s difficult to be emotionally or sexually open and are involved in unhealthy, toxic relationships. You may also have trouble viewing the relationship with yourself and body image as negative.

When you’re aligned with the sacral chakra, you will experience self-love, healthy sexual experiences and other pleasures in life. The practice of tantric yoga is known to help align this chakra color.

Third Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) – Yellow

The solar plexus (Manipura chakra) is all about *trusting your gut*. The chakra color, yellow, represents fire and will be placed above the navel, two inches below the breastbone. This represents the diaphragm area, which has the energy center to trust in yourself with strong consciousness. This charka promotes the feeling of being confident and friendly.

An imbalance (or block) of the solar plexus manifests when you’re feeling powerless and experience difficulty taking action on your desires. This can also manifest in external ways such as stomach pains and digestion.

When your chakra is open and aligned, you’ll experience a strong sense of personal power and want the desire to use your power for good in the world and for yourself with high self-esteem and self-worth.

Next time you feel stomach pain or digestion issues, consider balancing out this charka first before reaching out for medicine. The color yellow can be used to open this chakra when you want to feel stimulated, prepared and capable!

Want more insight on why weight issues may be presenting themselves in your life? I created this quick chakra quiz to make it easy for you.

Fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra) – Green

The fourth chakra (also known as the heart chakra) has the element of air and represents unconditional love and compassion. Some even believe that the chakra color, green, represents psychic intuition. This is where the saying “follow your intuition ” comes from, and it’s something you can tap into and feel! The Heart Chakra is positioned in the center of the chest and works well with your intuition!

When you’re experiencing a lack of creativity, intuitive insight, loneliness, and even external issues such as heart or breathing problems, take these as signs of your chakra color being blocked. The Heart Chakra is on the right track when you’re experiencing love (not just for others but for yourself, too), self-acceptance, and are able to give and revived love easily. The chakra color, green, represent prosperity, abundance, good health, and being alert and empathetic!

Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra) – Blue

The throat chakra (also known as the fifth chakra) is about communication, speaking, sharing, expressing, listening, and perceiving from a higher form of communication! The key element for this chakra color (blue) is sound and is located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat.

When our throat chakra is clear, we are allowed to speak the truth. However, when we are having trouble speaking the truth and just saying things that other people want to hear, our chakra is imbalanced. Also, when we are having trouble expressing ourselves, experience neck pain, feel anger or frustration, and don’t feel understood, this charka color is blocked. Blue represents self-expression, expression of truth, creativity, and clear communication. When our throat chakra is open and aligned, you are able to speak your truth easily and feel like you’re being heard and respected by others and yourself. One method that will help open the throat chakra is meditation.

Sixth Chakra (Third Eye Chakra) – Indigo

The third eye chakra (or Ajna chakra) is in the mind center, located right between the eyebrows. The third eye represents light and allows us to visualize, imagine, and focus, and opens the door to the Divine (especially at night). It’s a spiritual practice and allows the mind to develop thoughts and feelings of psychic energy, self-awareness, and peace. This chakra color is purple (or deep indigo blue) promotes strong intuition and inner wisdom. The color, indigo, is the energy of deep change and can also impact the energies of lower chakras into a deeper connection with your spiritual practice.

However, it’s very easy for the third eye to get blocked. When the mind is overthinking, worried, and very *busy*, it’s hard to see the big vision of what you want in life. Thoughts of struggle, and finding the meaning of life, career, and relationships can add to this blockage. It can even cause insomnia and memory disorder problems. When your Third Eye is open, you’ll experience a strong sense of your own inner truth with the right guidance to the right path.

Seventh Chakra (Crown Chakra) – Purple

The crown (Sahasrara chakra) connects us to the divine source energy of love and wisdom. It represents purity and spirituality and is located at the top of our heads. The element is thought and empowers spirituality, our belief systems, and enlightenment. The chakra color is purple (or sometimes white) and is associated with a universal connection through spirituality and consciousness.

Your crown chakra may be blocked if you feel loneliness, a lack of connection to a higher power, fear of the unknown or headaches.

Often through meditation, we’re able to open our Crown Chakra and we’re able to feel connected to a higher power, deep gratitude for life, and self-love and love for others. The Crown Chakra supports the spiritual connections of one individual to another.

Healing and Opening Your Chakra System

I’ve given a few examples of how you can open your chakras above, including meditation. Unless you know exactly what is causing your block, clear your chakras by starting with the first chakra and working towards your crown chakra. Sometimes it’s tempting to only work on the root chakra or the heart chakra, but all the chakras work together and intertwine.

It’s like dealing with an injury. Your lower back might hurt, but it might be caused by your hips being tight or an uneven gait because of a knee issue. If you only treated the back, it would continue to have issues because you didn’t strengthen the areas leading to it and causing the issue. So do yourself a favor and step into the spiritual physical therapy-treating the whole system and not just one part.

Journaling is another great practice to open up your chakras. Whenever you feel anger, sadness, frustrations, doubt, or any other negative belief, do a brain dump and write it out. These get the chakras and emotions moving, and once you have it out, you can let go and start to rewrite your story and beliefs. Your chakras are supported by your beliefs – whether they’re negative or positive.

Use movement and exercise to help clear your centers. Movements like yoga can help clear the mind, strengthen the body and release tension.

Clear all chakras as often as possible by focusing your energy on where they’re located in your body. To open chakras use mediations, use affirmations, focus on the color and look into getting chakra stones.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how important it is to open and maintain healthy chakras, make it part of your self-care routine. Create a loving relationship with yourself and with the people around you, showing gratitude for what you already have in your life.

Blocks often occur from the feeling of lack and not having enough (money, relationships, etc). They can also occur with unresolved trauma, selfishness, heightened stress, toxic relationships and more.

When you start healing past hurts and appreciating what you already have, you’ll start attracting the things and people you want. I have created an entire course on living to your fullest potential using this foundational understanding. Unblock your life, appreciate your gifts and reach ultimate happiness with my healing program and my new book on Chakras.

It’s time for you to find out which of your chakras are open, weak, or closed.

I created this brand new Chakra Quiz to help you find out and give you immediate answers!

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